S3cmd is a free command-line tool. It allows you to upload and download your data to the S3 object storage. S3cmd is written in Python. S3cmd is an open-source project available under GNU Public License v2 (GPLv2) and it is free for personal as well as commercial usage.
S3cmd is available in the system repositories for CentOS, RHEL and Ubuntu. You can install it via following guide.
$ sudo yum install s3cmd
On Ubuntu/Debian:
$ sudo apt install s3cmd
Please insert the following lines into the config file located at /home/user/.s3cfg:
[default] host_base = https://s3.clX.du.cesnet.cz use_https = True access_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx secret_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx host_bucket = s3.clX.du.cesnet.cz
Host base and Host bucket is S3 endpoint URL, which you received via email together with Access Key and Secret Key. You should receive it via email during the S3 account creation.
S3cmd commands support elementary operations with buckets - creation, listing, and deletion.