Table of Contents

Managing service user account

This manual includes instructions for this use-case only. If you use other instructions you can cause unwanted functioning of system.
For specific needs of Data Care Department please do NOT select your username such, that begins with VO_, e.g. service user account backup for VO_xyz should have login xyz_backup. The rule that all logins should have lower case letters based on US alphabet (i.e. without special characters, which are presented in some special languages) is very important as well.

Creating service user account

All changes made in the Perun system will be active in one hour. Thus executed changes are not immediate!!!.

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Adding associated user to the existing service user account

This manual includes instructions for this use-case only. If you use other instructions you can cause unwanted functioning of system.

All changes made in the Perun system will be active in one hour. Thus executed changes are not immediate!!!.

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