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Add SSH key to your Perun user account

This manual includes instructions for this use-case only. If you use other instructions you can cause unwanted functioning of system.
  • Please log in into the Perun system and then go to the User section.
  • Now please click on the Select identity button and select the identity, where would you like to set a SSH key.
  • In the Quick links menu, please click on Manage SSH keys, now you are being redirected to the Authentication bookmark.
  • Now just paste copied SSH key into the Public ssh Key field and then save by clicking on the Save button.
Please pay attention that you didn't pick any white space characters (space, tabs or new row character) during copying. This characters will cause, that SSH key is invalid.
All changes made in the Perun system will be active in one hour. Thus executed changes are not immediate!!!
Last modified:: 14.12.2017 13:09