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Please consider that Samba data transfer is not encrypted. In case you require to encrypt your data transfer, please choose any one of the encrypting method. In Windows you can use IPsec for instance.
Important rule is, that all logins should contain only small letters from latin alphabet (english alphabet). This is related especially to the service user accounts. In case you have service user account containing capital letters, your access to the data storage via Samba protocol wouldn't work.

Samba password

Samba protocol uses own password. So you cannot use the same password, which you use for SSH, SFTP protocol and so on. To set Samba password you need to have an account on our systems. So please wait at least 60 minutes after you received confirmation email about your VO application/membership. To set Samba password you can use mini-application. You can login into the mini-application through eduID identity federation or using X.509 certificate.

User password for Samba is necessary to setup using your personal profile in Perun.

You can set Samba password for service user account using mini application via Kerberos login and service user account password, which you're used to use for SSH, SFTP, … protocols to access your data storage. After successful login, you can set the Samba password.

One-time connection

Samba protocol works with UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path. That path specifies network device, shared directory, file or printer location. The UNC syntax is as following:

\\<PC name>\<Shared directory>\<Shared file>

UNC is also called as a complete network path.

IPv4 addresses of access servers (hosts) for each data center are:

Ostrava samba.du4.cesnet.cz
Jihlava samba.du5.cesnet.cz

IPv6 addresses of access servers (hosts) for each data center are:

Ostrava samba6.du4.cesnet.cz

Services using IPv6 addresses are currently in testing mode.
Please do not use following characters \, /, :, ?, “. <, >, | for the file and directory names. Samba protocol cannot process those characters, files containing any from those characters wouldn't be thus transferred to the data storage..

1. Please open File Explorer and insert to the address bar Samba server address, where you have your data storage. The address must be in UNC fromat. In case of Ostrava data storage is the address as following \\samba.du4.cesnet.cz\share. Please pay attention during copying the Samba server address, it is necessary to insert the name of shared directory share. Now you can confirm the address by pressing Enter.

2. Please use the same login as you are used to use with other protocols and Samba password, which has been set accordingly to the guide above.

3. After login confirmation, there will appear new window with your home directory.

Mapping network drive (permanent connection)

In case you would like to map standard network drive i.e. to connect network drive permanently to your system, please follow the guide below.

1. Please open “This PC” and then click on the “Computer” bookmark and then click on “Map network drive”.

2. Please select the drive letter in the “Map network drive” dialog box. Then please insert the Samba server address, where you have your data storage. The Samba server address must be in UNC format. In case of Ostrava data storage is the Samba server address as following \\samba.du4.cesnet.cz\share. You can finish the settings by clicking on the “Finish” button.

3. Now please insert your login and password, which have been set for Samba protocol, then confirm via clicking on “OK”.

4. After login and password confirmation, there will appear new window with your home directory.

If you have connected your data storage via samba protocol, there is high probability, that you cannot see your shared directory. If you wish, that your shared directory appears in dialog box, you have to create the symlink in your home directory on the path /home/user_name. You can use this code:
ln -s ../../migration_policy/VO_name/shared name_of_symlink
Last modified:: 04.01.2022 14:30